What Can Cause Seizures?

What is a Seizure?

It’s a sudden surge of electrical activity in the brain that affects how a person - or dog - feels or acts for some time after it has occurred.  This is called epilepsy or a seizure.

It can be compared to a surge of electricity that can blow the fuses in a building. The “rush” of electricity overloads the circuits which results in major damage.

Some seizures are hardly noticed at all and can vary from “pins and needles”, unconsciousness and, in more serious cases, death. The after effects can leave a person with muscle soreness (seizures are basically like a serious muscle spasm), headaches, confusion, feeling tired and their skin may appear pale or bluish (due to oxygen deprivation). The symptoms after such a seizure can cause a person more problems than the actual seizure itself.

How Your Brain Works

Your brain has about 100 billion nerve cells, also called neurons. Neurons carry signals around your brain and to the rest of your body. That’s how your different muscles, organs and body parts receive their instructions or send messages back to your brain. The brain is the control center of your central nervous system.

Each neuron produces electric signals and uses chemicals called neurotransmitters which then carry the “messages” to the different parts of your body.

What Causes Seizures?

The main causes of seizures are a lack of vitamin B6 and magnesium as well as chlorine in our water.  This is also the case with babies and small children. Good indications of deficiencies of these nutrients are muscle tics and twitches. They are minor symptoms indicating deficiencies of these nutrients. Don’t take them lightly. Do something about them.

Epilepsy or seizures are a symptom. It is important to find the cause of them and correct that. If you only handle the symptom the cause will remain hidden. Find the cause and you can solve the problem.


Handled my Insomnia

I am enjoying the CalMag-C tremendously.  It really puts me to sleep well. I just had brain surgery four months ago and the anti-seizure medicine was giving me insomnia.  This has really helped.” Janice P.

Dogs with Epilepsy

Both dogs getting epilepsy - Calmag helps them both. DJT, Oregon

Handled My Dog’s Epileptic Fits

My Bassett male, Dopey, has always suffered from frequent epileptic fits and I was reluctant to put him on the permanent medication that the vet recommended. I spoke to a representative from Sunshine Vitamins and he said that magnesium could help. It didn’t help that the dogs insist on drinking the pool water and apparently the chlorine content knocks the calcium and magnesium out.

“I bought magnesium powder and CalMag-C. I use the magnesium when he has the attack. I immediately wrap him in a cool towel and then rub the magnesium powder into his gums and pour a little water after as it is dry. This stops the attack almost immediately.

“I put the CalMag-C into the dogs’ drinking water and noticed a definite decrease in the attacks (once or twice a week to once every other month – maybe). Unfortunately, the dogs still insist on drinking the pool water when they can, otherwise I am certain it would stop altogether. I stopped the CalMag-C at one stage and it had an immediate detrimental effect.

“I have also helped a friend with her dog and the dog hasn’t had an epileptic fit since taking CalMag-C.

“My female dog is not prone to epilepsy but both of my dogs are extremely calm, healthy and happy dogs. They stay outside and have not had winter ailments or any other health issues. They produced a batch of eight beautiful healthy pups and the only supplement the female had was CalCag-C and she fed them all beautifully.

I can definitely recommend CalMag-C as a supplement for  dogs, especially those with epilepsy.

DG, Edenvale

Please note: we are not doctors. If you or a loved one is suffering from epilepsy or seizures, please consult your medical doctor for advice. We do, however,  suggest you see a doctor who understands nutrition’s role in this condition.

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