Water Is the Most Natural Body Requirement But, Can It Be What Is Stressing You Out?

Known to be what hydrates you and even keeps you alive, can water cause you stress, pain and tension?


It’s almost the healthiest thing we can think of.

It is part and parcel to every process of living, keeping life itself balanced and surviving to profound potential.

It seems to wash away everything that would hinder life, and all things considered “unclean” in nature.

But what if it just washed everything away,… period?

What if water didn’t discriminate and could wash away the good with the bad, leaving nothing behind?

Much like devastating flood waters to a coastal city, an overabundance of it indeed can do just that. For we may need water, but only in sufficient quantity.

A surplus only seems to bring trouble, and wash away everything in its path.

Whether sections of a city or crucial elements of the body, oversupply of water can be “too much of a good thing!”

And the body can be left equally devastated when its most valued elements of survival are compromised and washed away with the flood.

Stress, pain and tension are sure to follow in either scenario.

Thankfully, sandbag-type precautions can be taken and the stress, pain and tension possibly avoided if you understand how to get and retain what your body needs.

Too much of anything is considered bad. But does that really include water?

Water can sometimes be considered a bit of a health craze, particularly when it comes to dieting, exercising and just “keeping hydrated” in general.

“Drink plenty of water” has somehow been interpreted as an abundance.

But “plenty” can also mean “a sufficient amount” and is what is truly meant by this statement. Somehow it has gotten exaggerated into drinking a gallon of the stuff per day or more.

Interestingly enough, however, an oversupply of water can actually dehydrate you.

This would seem as absurd as saying the ocean waters which flood a coastal city would then wash themselves away.

This is not the case. For in either scenario, water is not the only element. There is another component which, going largely unnoticed, is neglected. It is nonetheless the culprit.

What component? The answer is as obvious as it is surprising, so much so it can hardly be believed!

What do we know is vital to survival, go out of our way to get and carelessly, if unknowingly wash away?

We all know instinctively what essentials our bodies need. Vitamins, minerals, water and all manner of support such as rest, exercise and the like.

Water stands out from these as it seems to be the “glue” to hold all the others together. But depending upon its quantity and proportion, it can be the “great flood” that washed it all away.

Just as erosion happens normally in nature, so are mineral compounds within the body especially vulnerable to the “waves” of water crashing against them, or at least washing them “downstream” (which in your case may be what’s left behind in each trip to the bathroom!).

This is not immediately apparent and difficult to sense when it is happening. Symptoms sometimes do not show themselves for days, weeks or even months or years.

This is what dehydration is all about. Most think it is because water is deficient. But it is also a mineral deficiency. Fluid levels are maintained by minerals. Washing them away can be devastating.


If minerals control hundreds of body processes, what can happen when they are swept away by the flood of too much water?

A rather obvious question it is simple, even in mere speculation, to estimate what devastation can be left in the path of a storm of too much water intake.

Take magnesium for instance. It is responsible for several hundred processes including the likes of blood sugar regulation, blood pressure and even relaxation of muscles. Imagine what life would be like in absence if this powerhouse mineral!

Calcium is a most potent painkiller. It is one of the minerals responsible for muscle contractions that allow us to do simple tasks. It also helps propel energy along the nerves so they carry vital communication back and forth between the brain and numerous body systems. And yes, it IS responsible for all the things you heard about its influence in strong bones.

Imagine for a moment if all the supply of calcium were suddenly washed away!

It doesn’t require massive research and studies to understand the concept of what minerals do and what would happen if they were absent.

Should you just stop drinking water? What SHOULD you do to maintain healthy mineral levels in the body without washing them down the drain?

Of course it would be absurd to stop drinking water. It is clearly a vital component of survival. You can’t survive more that a few days without it (if that). 

Balancing your water intake can be done by a little more self awareness, noticing when the body is thirsty and even consulting the professional help of a nutritionist or doctor. Not overdoing it or “drinking water for the sake of drinking water” is probably a good rule of thumb when doing so.

Getting your minerals in the first place when your diet may be deficient or when your previous habits may have been “cleaning you out” in a way is key.

Hydration doesn't only mean drinking water but also getting the minerals that the body needs to function. This is vital and so important you could die without it. That's the minerals that are found in REAL salt, like Celtic Sea Salt. 


Instant CalMag-C is a supplement formulated with this in mind. It is engineered based on the body’s natural absorption habits and is in the precise form in which the body will rapidly absorb and immediately utilize.

When deficiency has been a factor, for whatever reason, the results can be astounding to say nothing of immediate.

Try instant CalMag-C today and see what happens when you replace those minerals that may have gone out with the flood!

Order Calmag-C Now

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