“Too Acid” Symptoms within the body.

One hears so much talk about how acid someone’s body is. Many people don’t understand what that means and don’t even know they can be too alkaline as well. This got me searching for more data about this pH thing and what’s too acid or what’s too alkaline and here’s what my search found in the works of Dr Royal Lee.

First of all, the human body needs to be in homeostasis. Homeostasis is the state of balance and stability that exists inside a healthy body regardless of changes in the external and internal environments.

If the body is in homeostasis, the result will be a healthy nervous system. It is almost impossible to enjoy life – mentally and physically – if imbalances exist as they create all kinds of disturbances and symptoms. In this article, we will be covering the symptoms of being overly acidic or alkaline. Neither is good.

When the acid-alkaline (pH) balance of the body is disturbed, the result may be symptoms which are those of an unstable nervous system.

What is pH?

pH is an abbreviation for the “power of the concentration of the Hydrogen ion” present in a solution. It is expressed as a number on a scale of degrees of pH, from 0 to 14. Hydrogen is a naturally occurring gas that is the lightest gas ever found and is number 1 in the periodic table. (You can find the periodic table in any decent dictionary.)

The pH scale indicates the acidity or alkalinity of any substance, which is an indicator of the number of hydrogen atoms present. A pH of 7 is neutral, a pH of less than 7 indicates an acidic solution, and a pH greater than 7 indicates an alkaline solution.

A body in balance should have pH somewhere between 7.3 and 7.4 and this is measured in your blood.  The ideal way to achieve this healthy state is through a combination of alkaline ash minerals and acid ash minerals. By getting enough of both the alkaline and acid ash minerals, your body will do the balancing act.

The acid ash minerals come from grains (not refined ones, please) and the alkaline ash minerals come from green leafy vegetables. If you’re lacking phosphorus (which is an acid ash mineral), you will lack energy so the acid ash minerals can be compared to the accelerator of your car. They make it go whilst the alkaline ash minerals can be compared to the brakes of the car. They make it stop. If they are in balance, like a car with a working accelerator and brakes, you are okay. If one or the other is not working, you have a problem. It’s this balancing act that is so important and what helps to maintain homeostasis.

While your blood pH should be between 7.3 and 7.4, your stomach’s pH should be between 1 – 2 as it has to be very acid to break down the food.

What is Acidosis?

This is when your body is too acid. In other words, the pH is too low.

The over-acid person may suffer from symptoms of increased nervous irritability, dehydration and anoxia (symptoms of suffocation). Noise and excitement and other ordinary affairs of the day will cause them unusual distress.

Dryness of the mouth and a “feeling of a lump in the throat” is common. Bright lights irritate their eyes and they prefer darkened rooms; bright sunlight often prevents their driving without dark glasses. They may feel “stuffy” in closed rooms, are uncomfortable in high altitudes, sigh frequently, and become breathless easily.

They may be abnormally sensitive to pain. All of these symptoms are likely to give the sufferer more introverted personality traits, such as preferring to be alone rather than endure the friction of social contact.

What is Alkalosis?

This is when your body is too alkaline. In other words, the pH is too high.

In alkalosis we find the “stiff board” types. They notice stiffness of the muscles and joints, particularly in the morning. They feel worse on cold days and cramp easily when holding a position for a long time, as “accelerator foot”.

The nausea-type of stomach trouble is often a complaint, expressed as “heartburn” or “sour stomach”. There is generally a tendency toward poor circulation, cold hands and feet. It is not uncommon for the eyes and nose to water easily, especially on cold days, and drooling of thin watery saliva may occur while sleeping.

There may be a loss of taste and smell. These are the persons most likely to be victims of allergies such as sinusitis, asthma and allergic colds.

Basic Food Lesson

The balance of acid and alkaline minerals, which are vital for maintaining a proper pH, can only be accomplished in the body if it is supplied with each in the diet. Whole-wheat, with its phosphorus-rich bran, is a good source of the acid minerals; white bleached flour is not.

The green leafy vegetables, rich in organic potassium, are a good source of alkaline minerals, preferably in the raw state.

pH Balance of Calcium and Magnesium

This brings us to the subject of why your calcium and magnesium need to be brought into the correct pH range. These minerals are alkaline so, in order for your body to be able to absorb and use them, they need to be brought into the correct pH range which can be done with 5% acidity apple cider vinegar or vitamin C.

This is so important that if you take calcium without it being brought into the correct pH range, it can’t be used by the body so it “dumps” it in joints, kidneys etc and these conditions are known as arthritis and kidney stones etc.

The second important factor is that, for calcium to be absorbed by the body, it also needs magnesium in a specific ratio. This ratio is two parts calcium and one part magnesium. If you don’t have the balance correct, your body will draw on its reserves, namely teeth and bones, which will worsen deficiencies and, in the longterm, create deficiencies that can lead to osteoporosis and other conditions.

The body really and truly wants homeostasis (balance).

Formulation of Instant CalMag-C

This is why we made Instant CalMag-C the way we did. Two parts calcium gluconate and one part magnesium carbonate with vitamin C to adjust the pH so your body can absorb and use it.

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