Sunburn Remedies Search Yields Surprising Findings
We have all learned at a very young age that the sun can burn you.
But, is getting a sunburn the same as getting any other type of burn? Are sunburn remedies lacking?
It turns out that sunburn is different and has more to do with chemistry than heat. It involves the oil in your skin converting into vitamins, a normally beneficial process. In excess however, it is hazardous. In fact, it produces more than just a burn. It can create several deficiencies and illnesses which seem unrelated to the sunburn. Yes, other conditions can be caused by that sunburn you got at the beach. Traditional sunburn remedies can, therefore, be held in question. Let’s explore the subject of sunburn, to learn it’s causes and, ultimately, how to prevent or treat it.
What is a burn?
Part of the mix-up in the factors surrounding sunburn is in the word “burn” itself. The word actually describes the damage caused to skin. The damage itself can be in varying degrees, which we commonly know as first, second and third degree. These degrees apply to sunburn. These are mere descriptions of the burn’s effects on the tissue and do not denote causation. Burns can be caused by different sources. Sunburn remedies need to account for the source of sunburn.
What ultimately causes sunburn will surprise you
Sunburn is thought to be caused by ultraviolet rays burning the skin like a laser beam. That is an incorrect assumption. Ultraviolet rays do not directly “burn” the skin. They convert oils found within the skin to vitamin D. While you may have heard that the sun provides you with vitamin D, it actually helps your skin create it. Creating too much of it, however, creates an abnormal condition called hypervitaminosis which is simply an overdose of vitamins resulting in some abnormal condition. And, sunburn is certainly abnormal.
But, why is too much vitamin D a bad thing? Isn’t it good for you?
“Good for you” is a deceptive phrase. It has come to mean that it will enhance your health or is beneficial. In its full meaning it would mean “essential” and required by the body. Vitamin D IS good for you in this way. Vitamins, however, are complementary to one another. They work together as a whole, dependent on others to be effective. Overproduction of one without a proportionate increase in others is what causes abnormalities. Sunburn is an increase of vitamin D without an increase of vitamin F. Known as essential fatty acids, vitamin F is the tandem mineral to vitamin D. This imbalance is what sunburn is made of and is why sunburn remedies commonly fail.
How sunburn can effect your muscles, bones and nervous system too
Sunburn causes a vitamin deficiency “domino effect” creating other deficiencies and conditions. Ultimately, for vitamin D to be effective, it must work in tandem with vitamin F. One of the most vital functions of this vitamin pairing is absorption of calcium. Vitamin D pulls calcium from the digestive system into the blood stream while vitamin F directs it into the tissues. Calcium will additionally need magnesium to be useful in this regard. This is how the muscles and nerves get their supply.
The deficiency of calcium caused by an imbalance of vitamins D and F will cause the body to pull from its reserve calcium supply stored in the bones and teeth. As you can imagine, a host of other illnesses can happen as a result. Osteoporosis, tooth decay, arthritis and other conditions result from depletion of calcium. All of this caused by a little too much fun in the sun. Common sunburn remedies do not account for any of this.
Six Surprising Sunburn Symptoms
While many of these conditions can be caused by other means, sunburn and the overproduction of vitamin D can indirectly result in these common symptoms:
1. Calcium deposits (cataracts, arthritis, etc.)
2. Dehydration
3. Calcium deficiency
4. Skin irritation, “leathery” skin
5. Nervousness and anxiety
6. Muscle, joint and nerve pain
There are countless others but these are some of the most common. The overproduction of vitamin D is what creates the domino effect causing the rest of the vitamin and mineral issues to compound into medical conditions.
Sunburn remedies should be internal, not just topical
While sunburn is a burn, and does require first aid, sunburn remedies should not be limited to topical applications of burn treatments. Balance of vitamins and minerals is key. Consider the tandem action and the complementary nature of all vitamins and minerals in their various functions within the body.
As you can now see, the causes of sunburn are more than just exposure. Sunburn is a sort of chain reaction and it’s symptoms go below the surface to include many conditions you may have thought to be unrelated.
Whether you have gotten a sunburn or not, ample supply of these vitamins and minerals is required for your body to function. Keeping track of vitamin D, essential fatty acids and calcium and magnesium levels is paramount. Having all of these in proper balance and ratio is the way to better health.
Instant CalMag-C is specifically formulated to achieve the exact ratio of calcium to magnesium required by the body so that it may be absorbed quickly and utilized in more than 300 body functions. Coupled with a balance of vitamins D and F, drastic changes can be seen in many functions of the body, even possibly to include those caused by sunburn. See what it can do for you. Try it today.
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