Oxycontin and Heroin – Is There Any Difference?

Being a detox specialist and having worked in a drug rehab facility, I have seen the devastation addiction wreaks on addicts but, even more so, the stress placed on their loved ones who have to watch them going down the drain.

With the right help, addiction can be solved. By the right help I mean not adding further drugs to the mix, but using methods that truly work to get people off their drugs AND through a program that helps THEM discover why they got addicted in the first place and then help them to resolve their personal problems – not someone else’s idea as to what their problem is.

What is a drug?

There are many types of drugs: tranquilizers, opium, cocaine, marijuana, amphetamines, LSD, alcohol, anti-depressants, etc. In other words, they’re not just street drugs but include medical and psychiatric drugs.

So, what is a drug?

A drug is essentially a poison. The amount you consume will determine the effects.

A small amount acts as a stimulant – arsenic and coffee are two extreme examples. A greater amount acts as a sedative (suppresses activity) while a larger amount acts as a poison – make you very ill and can even kill you.

The human body is not deficient in drugs, despite the billions of dollars spent annually to convince everyone they are and getting people onto them and then, of course, the resultant raking in of trillions at the expense of our health and finances.

Having said that, there are times when a drug is necessary and can save a life. Some of these drugs can, however, become very addictive and/or create so many side effects that you can end up on a bag of pills trying to get rid of the side effects which then create new ones.

Drugs have different effects on different people. They can make you numb, can cause fuzzy thinking or an inability to think clearly, make you act out of character, make you crazy, etc, etc.

We’ve all seen enough real life situations or movies depicting the effects. NONE make you brighter, more intelligent or happier – even the ones that save your life. You might be happier for a short spell (but that’s actually numb) but when the effects wear off, they can make you very miserable (depressed), even suicidal.

So, when they wear off you need more of the same to get the same “high” or sensation, right?

Wrong. As your body gets accustomed to the dose you don’t quite get the same high from that dose any longer and you need to take more of the stuff.

This is where the danger comes in because the addict or user will increase the dose to try and get the same high. Unfortunately, he can’t and eventually he may have too much and his loved ones have to go out and buy black clothes.

Addiction can be handled and should be. Very often, those who become addicted are bright, intelligent, hardworking people. Not only are they a loss to the family but also to our society. We need bright, intelligent people.

The reason I am picking up the Oxycontin and Heroin issue is that many are becoming addicts inadvertently after being prescribed Oxycontin by their doctors.

Here is data taken from the Novus Medical Detox site:

“If Heroin is Illegal, Why Is OxyContin Legal? On May 5, 2009, the FDA invited me to provide testimony for a second time before a special FDA committee that was investigating what Risk Evaluation Mitigation Strategies (“REMS”) to impose on dangerous prescription narcotics like OxyContin. (See February 16, 2009 Novus newsletter about the REMS process.)

During my testimony, I stated that this is known about heroin and OxyContin:

  1. Heroin was initially advertised as being less addictive than morphine and widely promoted in the United States for the treatment of pain and respiratory problems

  2. Because of its addictive qualities, heroin was made illegal in 1914;

  3. OxyContin was released to the public in 1995

  4. Purdue Pharma, maker of Oxycontin, pled guilty to lying to the FDA, doctors and the public in 2007;

  5. Purdue Pharma’s influential friends saw to it that OxyContin stayed on the market even though equal application of the law required that Purdue Pharma not be allowed to do business with the government (see Novus newsletter, Different Justice For A Drug Dealer);

  6. Heroin and OxyContin are molecularly almost identical;

  7. Heroin and OxyContin operate in the same manner in the body;

  8. Heroin and OxyContin are interchangeable and addicts regularly use the one that is available;”

To read the full article and outcomes, click here……

 So, What is Heroin Actually?

Below is an explanation of what heroin is.

“Heroin is an illegal, highly addictive opiate drug. Its abuse is more widespread than any other opiate. Heroin is processed from morphine, a naturally occurring substance extracted from the seed pod of certain varieties of poppy plants. It is typically sold as a white or brownish powder or as the black sticky substance known on the streets as “black tar heroin.” Although purer heroin is becoming more common, most street heroin is “cut” with other drugs or with substances such as sugar, starch, powdered milk, or quinine. Street heroin can also be cut with strychnine or other poisons. Because heroin abusers do not know the actual strength of the drug or its true contents, they are at risk of overdose or death. Heroin also poses special problems because of the transmission of HIV and other diseases that can occur from sharing needles or other injection equipment.”

To read more about heroin, click here

What Drugs Do To Your Nutrients

Helping a loved one or friend get through any drug  withdrawal can be so much less traumatic if you know how to do it.

Drugs of any kind create enormous deficiencies of all nutrients. This deficiency is a part of what makes someone on drugs feel so bad and reach for more. Obviously, at some point the addiction becomes the problem but part of it is deficiencies.

For examples, LSD depends for its effects on the body burning up all the niacin (vitamin B3). The DT’s that alcoholics sometimes experience is caused by the body burning up all the vitamin B1 reserves.

Anyone using drugs of any nature – even medical ones – is creating huge deficiencies.

To help overcome these deficiencies, we provide what is known as The Drug Bomb – a combination of certain vitamins that supplies the seriously short vitamins the person has.

In addition to this, they have a severe shortage of calcium and magnesium. Even using things like sugar (which is really a kind of drug after all if you can’t stop using it because you crave it), will burn up your supplies of calcium and magnesium.

If that is true of sugar, can you imagine how much more devastating more serious drugs can be?

Calcium gluconate is a natural painkiller and, to work effectively, needs magnesium and vitamin C. Not only are they necessary for to reduce pain but also to help relax the nerves for sleep.

As part of the rehabilitation program I worked on, we used Instant CalMag-C on, not only our patients (recovering addicts) but also their families who are also stressed out.

Instant CalMag-C is a vital part of any drug rehabilitation or addiction problem so make sure you are dosing everyone up. Anyone trying to get off drugs needs to have a lot more than the rest as the stress on their bodies alone is chewing it up. Let me know if I can help you Desiree@CalMag-C.com. 

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