“At the end of the reproductive cycle, the ovaries gradually become inactive. This process is the reverse of changes that occurred in puberty, and a healthy woman on an adequate diet is as unaware of any disturbances as she was at adolescence. Furthermore, normal adrenal glands produce a number of sex hormones which take over when menstruation ceases.
“Problems at menopause are often much more severe than at puberty, largely because the diet has been deficient in many nutrients for years prior to its onset. These are protein, calcium, magnesium, vitamin D, E, and pantothenic acid (vitamin B5).
“For instance, persons who spend much of their time indoors may have no vitamin D whatsoever in their blood. Moreover, women who have a particularly difficult time during this period are usually those whose adrenals are exhausted. “Because calcium is less well absorbed and the urinary losses are greater when the output of estrogen decreases, such calcium-deficiency symptoms as nervousness, irritability, insomnia, headaches and depression are common.
“These problems can be easily overcome if the intakes of calcium, magnesium, and vitamin D are all generously increased and are well absorbed. “….During menopause the need for vitamin E soars 10 to 50 times over that previously required. Hot flashes and night sweats often disappear when 50 to 500 units of vitamin E are taken daily, but they quickly recur should the vitamin be stopped. If estrogen is given, the need for vitamin E increases still further…..”
“…. When menopause symptoms are severe, the condition should be looked upon as another form of stress, and all nutrients needed to stimulate the production of adrenal hormones particularly emphasized.”*
During menopause, menstruation and puberty, a woman’s need for calcium goes sky, sky high. Then, typically, women have problems with MOOD, SLEEP, PAIN and BLOOD CLOTTING.
You should drink three glasses of Instant Calmag-C during the day if going through menopause or menstruation. Please note: in order for your body to absorb calcium, it needs to be accompanied by its partner, magnesium, in a balanced ratio of two parts calcium to one part magnesium.
Calcium and Magnesium ALSO Need Vitamin C: As both calcium and magnesium are alkaline, they need some kind of acid before they can be absorbed. Failing to have this combination can lead to increased deficiencies of calcium and/or magnesium or the calcium depositing in joints (arthritis) or kidneys (stones). You can use apple cider vinegar too but vitamin C is usually a more practical and better-tasting solution.
Why Instant CalMag-C Works: Instant CalMag-C has been formulated in a 2:1 blend of calcium gluconate and magnesium carbonate with vitamin C to adjust the pH so your body can actually absorb the calcium and magnesium. Tablets and capsules sometimes don’t break down properly or are not properly balanced with calcium and magnesium and often don’t have any type of acid. This is very important.
It should also be made with boiling water. This is very important as calcium particles are large and the chemical reaction created by dissolving the powder with boiling water breaks them down into smaller ones. It has a pleasant lemony taste.
Calcium Also Needs Vitamins D & F: Most people know that vitamin D is needed to absorb calcium. This is correct, but the vitamin D only absorbs it into the bloodstream. What most people don’t know is that, in order to get calcium from your bloodstream into your tissues, you need vitamin F (another name for essential fatty acids). Vitamins D and F need to be in balance with each other so make sure you take a good quality fish (or cod) liver or flax oil in your daily diet. They are also very important for good hormonal function.
NOTE: We have not added vitamin D or F to Instant CalMag-C. That’s because they are both oil soluble vitamins whereas calcium and magnesium are water soluble and it’s not a good idea to mix them.
You can always write us and ask questions. We’re happy to help. You can e-mail to this address: Info@CalMag-C.com
Written by Andre Lotz with excerpts from Adelle Davis’ “Let’s Get Well”
DISCLAIMER: Nothing in this article or e-mail is meant to treat, diagnose, prevent or cure any medical condition. This email and all the information in it is not a substitution for medical care provided by a licensed medical doctor.
#mood #menopause #depression #sleep #insomnia #headaches #bloodclotting #stress #pain #menstruation #irritability #adrenalhormones