The essence of successful weight reduction, from a nutritional point of view, is to increase energy production.
We all come across people who are unhappy because they consider themselves overweight.
A frequent cause seems to be emotional problems. Two people on similar diets, even when healthy, may find one of them overweight because of emotional problems.
On the other hand being overweight can increase emotional problems.
A diet that optimizes energy production so that excessive food cravings are bypassed and a willingness to exercise are important. For this reason the diet should include all the known nutrients that burn fat and this requires a balance of several nutrients.
Balanced B vitamins are essential in energy production. If B5 is under-supplied, fats burn at around half their normal rate. Stored fat cannot be changed to energy without Vitamin B6 and it is also needed to use protein effectively So, a deficiency can easily lead to obesity. At the same time, B vitamins are, in the main, sensitive to balance. So taking one or two alone for some time will lead to imbalances and probably to deficiency symptoms of the low order ones in the balance (that is, deficiencies of the under-supplied ones will be emphasized or magnified).
Proteins are needed for many energy producing enzymes so fat is burned more rapidly when protein is adequate. Ensuring an adequate vitamin E intake when a diet has been deficient in protein greatly increases the utilization of fat but protein needs mainly choline and B6 to prevent the protein itself from being changed to fat.
A principle function of lecithin is to help the cells burn fat so a deficiency can often be seen to lead to conditions that are associated with poor fat utilization.
Overweight people usually have high blood fat and cholesterol, indicating poor energy production. Frequently poor fat utilization can be traced to liver damage as the liver plays a major role in energy production from fats. The main nutrients needed by the liver for energy production are adequate protein, balanced B vitamins including choline and inositol, the main ingredients of lecithin.
SMALL FREQUENT MEALS (predominantly protein)
When small meals are eaten, most of the food can be converted into energy. With large meals, the body’s enzymes system cannot cope, so a large portion of the meal will likely be stored as fat. Bear in mind that inadequate protein intake will mean inadequate enzymes — the basic construction of enzymes is protein.
When smaller meals supply sufficient energy, the desire to overeat is largely curbed.
Lecithin aids in burning fats. To produce lecithin the body needs balanced essential fatty acids, B6, choline, inositol and magnesium. If one wants to reduce weight, the major essential fatty acids can be supplied in a reasonable balance by taking daily a tablespoon of flaxseed oil and a teaspoon of peanut oil or a handful of raw peanuts. Many people who have peanut allergies report no allergic reaction when this balance is used. This raises the possibility that peanut allergies could really be a deficiency of the OTHER essential fatty acids, such deficiencies being emphasized when only peanut oil is taken.
There are several such balances in the body’s nutrition: calcium taken alone leads to magnesium deficiencies; magnesium taken alone leads to calcium deficiencies; and there are the B vitamin balances mentioned earlier.
Avoid hydrogenated fats. Fat molecules have links to which nutrients attach. If vitamin E is inadequate, these links are filled with oxygen (rancidity which can deplete all the oil-soluble vitamins, including E, which then snowballs the rancidity); manufacturers fill these links with hydrogen to extend shelf lives (hydrogenation) leaving the fats good only for some energy production and not able to transport nutrients well. Cold extraction leaves the links intact and adequate vitamin E protects the oils by ensuring available oxygen is used correctly.
The oils should be cold pressed as heating changes the chemical structure of oils. By the same token, heated fats should be avoided or minimized. Ensure the correct oils are used and try to eliminate fats that have been heated by cooking or in the manufacturing process. Heating oils separates them into two distinct parts: a sludgy part and a too-thin part. (the reason oil in a car has to be changed periodically). Fat and cholesterol build-up in blood vessels is caused mainly by this phenomenon. The sludge stays in the blood vessels and cholesterol sticks to it instead of getting to the tissues for vital functions such as nerve maintenance.
The above can help you to start off in the right direction towards gradual weight loss.
Sugars, alcohol and refined carbs are easily overdone and when they are, they convert to compact fats that have no links to transport nutrients, even though they can provide some energy. Besides fat build-up, these all tend to cause blood sugar levels to spike and then a consequent over-reaction in insulin production that drives the blood sugar below normal leaving one hungry again.
This will usually occur within 60-90 minutes of ingestion. Right here is described a vicious circle that enslaves so many people and leaves them hungry and undernourished at the end of their work day, after which they will consume their largest meal of the day in the evening when their activity levels are lowest. Most obese people are caught in this trap. When people cut down drastically, or eliminate these they can usually be seen to have immediate benefits usually associated with oil utilization, such as easier breathing and, longer term, improvements in eczema and psoriasis.
Complex carbs found in vegetables give far more nutritional benefit and slower energy release that does not cause the blood sugar level spikes and insulin over-reactions.
A useful attitude is to get the idea of USING the body rather than caring for it. All the measures mentioned above are likely to lead to an increased willingness to exercise. We want to break the vicious circle of poor energy production leading to overeating and thus excess fat storage and accompanied by increasing unwillingness to use the body.
For weight loss:
• small, regular, predominantly protein meals
• keep B vitamins high and in balance
• ensure a regular intake of balanced calcium and magnesium
• regularly, some of the meals should contain balanced fats in terms of the major essential fatty acids to provide energy without the liabilities of refined carbs and to transport oil-soluble vitamins and to keep the cells supplied with oxygen.
• Try to get lecithin daily, at least a tablespoon.
• Eliminate, or severely restrict refined sugar, carbs and alcohol and use complex carbs as found in vegetables
• Get some exercise.
These measure will also lead to many other benefits associated with even blood-sugar levels and are likely to play a considerable part in mood stability.
How Calcium Melts Fat: Calcium is a mineral that works in tandem with D to help you shed fat. Calcium is stored in fat cells, and researchers think that the more calcium a fat cell has, the more fat that cell will release to be burned. Calcium also promotes weight loss by binding to fat in your GI tract, preventing some of it from getting absorbed into your bloodstream. (