Old-fashioned Telephones and Nervous System
Long before smart Apple iPhones, before Google phone and Skype services, before smart tablets and wrist phones, there were dial-up and touch-tone telephones. And old-fashioned wall phones.
To use a wall phone, you picked up the receiver, and an operator somewhere in a central office location of the phone company, observed a red lamp light up on the octopus-like switchboard in front of her. Instantly, she knew someone wanted to make a call.
The operator pulled out one of many wires on her board and plugged it into the terminal under your light. She then asked you to whom you wanted to be connected, Next, she plugged another wire into a terminal representing an open line to the other person’s phone. Once connected, you talked, but that operator also listened in on your conversation. From time to time, she added her remarks and comments.
Nervous System Function
The human nervous system can be compared to the old days’ electrical telephone switchboards. To spark some reaction at Point B in the body, there must be a super-rapid “highway” for the intended communication particles of Point A to flow (like a current) through a system of conductive “wiring” to the right “terminal.” The presence of mechanical or electrical interference would cause the power supply to either travel intermittently or to be cut off – stopped cold.
The nervous system is the “wiring and terminals switchboard” for the human body, and the brain its apparent master. The system’s primary purpose is to help the body survive. Signaled the need with a form of electricity – electrical impulses and responses to outer and internal stimuli – the body reacts. The better the flow of the particles along the channels of this nerve system, the better are the chances for a healthy and long lifetime. The nervous system keeps the body’s occupant out of trouble!
Nervous System Misfires
Optimum nervous system function can only be achieved with the presence of certain minimum levels of nutrients, such as calcium and magnesium. Deficiency of these two nutrients, and salt* and potassium, alone can interrupt the “electricity” supply. The results are spasms, discomfort, pain, racing and irregular heartbeats, and insomnia, among other ills. (*Unrefined sea salt - the best if Celtic Sea Salt.)
Additionally, adrenal hormones regulate blood vessels and blood flow to the heart (blood pressure control) in concert with the same minerals. Deficiencies of either of these two minerals (and/or salt and potassium) can cause dizziness, light-headedness and fainting.
Nervous System Remedies
During prolonged exercise or the performance of sports, a body may perspire profusely. A by-product of such activities is loss of minerals and water-soluble vitamins, the symptoms of which can be discomfort, tense or cramped muscles, pain in the muscles, headaches and dizziness.
In part, these symptoms also may be signs of dehydration. The Catch-22 of losing water through perspiration and then drinking more water to replenish body-fluid loss is that the added water can worsen the situation. As the water-soluble nutrients leave the body through increased urination, their loss must be replaced somehow. Compensation for the loss of such minerals and salts is, therefore, best done by drinking water AND ingesting mineral supplements.
The disabling symptoms associated with physical exercise and other similar exertions such as strenuous sports, can easily be counter-acted with daily supplemental doses of calcium and magnesium dissolved in water ― the reason why so many athletes report great relief when powdered, water-soluble, mineral supplements such as Instant CalMag-C are added to their daily regimens.
DISCLAIMER: Information provided by this article is presented for educational purposes only. We are not doctors or medical professionals. We recommend that you consult with your regular medical or nutritional professional for answers to questions that you may have about any disease or illness.
© 2015 by Desiree Lotz and Ronald Joseph Kule. All Rights Reserved.
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