“Mild deficiencies of vitamin A are so common that you have probably experienced them. A slight deficiency impairs vision.
“A substance containing vitamin A, visual purple, is formed in the eyes; any light reaching the eyes breaks down part of the visual purple, and the products of this purposeful breakdown set up nerve impulses which tell the brain what the eyes see. More visual purple is formed and again destroyed.
“This cycle of regeneration and breakdown continues through life. Vitamin A is therefore somewhat like the film in a camera in that it photographs what you see but the “film” is used up.
Both day and night vision require vitamin A, but night vision depends on the vitamin-A mechanism entirely; therefore a subtle vitamin-A deficiency first causes difficulty in seeing in the dark.
“You can test your vitamin-A adequacy any time you drive at night. The lights of on-coming cars destroy vitamin A in your eyes; if your ocular fluid contains ample vitamin, you can see again almost immediately; if you are deficient, you will be blinded, the length of time depending on the severity of your deficiency.
“Tests have shown that persons having auto accidents at night are pathologically deficient in this vitamin. When better lighting of highways results in fewer accidents, it is because day vision rather than night vision is used and vitamin A is less relied upon.
“There are varying degrees of night blindness. The person with a mild deficiency believes his vision to be normal but sees more efficiently in daylight. With a slightly greater deficiency, he experiences eye fatigue after watching television, for example, but he usually assumes that others have similar difficulty. If his need for vitamin A is still greater, he may suffer pain in his eyes, especially after long use, and experience nervousness, headaches, and visual fatigue.
“A severe deficiency can cause such discomfort and eyestrain that he may refuse to drive at night. Such a person is sensitive to bright light during the day and feels more comfortable wearing dark glasses; thus less light reaches his eyes and less vitamin is destroyed.
“The majority of people who wear dark glasses eat too little vitamin A to allow normal vision.
“People who work in bright light, which destroys vitamin A quickly, or dim light, which requires night vision entirely, use relatively more vitamin A than do persons working in moderate light. Typists and bookkeepers who face the glare of light on white paper frequently suffer from eyestrain preventable by diets richer in vitamin A; persons who sew, read, or watch television a great deal (work on computers too!), miners working in dim light, welders facing flashing fire, photographers working both with bright lights and in darkrooms, and people living on the desert or beach where the sunlight is reflected by white sand often have visual difficulties because their need for vitamin A is unusually great.
“Perhaps no glare is so destructive to the vitamin A in the eyes as sunlight on clean snow; trappers, hunters, and skiers are often too familiar with this vitamin deficiency. When the lack becomes severe, burning, itching, and inflamed eyelids, eyestrain, perhaps severe pain in the eyeballs themselves or frequently occurring sties are experienced in addition to nervousness and exhaustion.
“Mucus may accumulate in the corners of the eyes; ulcers or sores sometimes appear on the covering of the eye, or cornea.”
(Excerpted from the works of Adelle Davis)
Editor: The best source of vitamin A is liquid fish liver oil from a reliable source. Capsules are okay but the quantity needed is much greater than when taking the liquid. It can be taken with a bit of juice, yogurt or milk. (E-mail info@CalMag-C.com to enquire about our Cod Liver Oil.)
It is important to note that one should consume adequate amounts of vitamin E as well as it prevents destruction of vitamin A in the body. Besides an adequate intake of vitamins A and E, a good balanced nutritional program is vital for your body to function properly. No-one is deficient in only one nutrient. It is usually multiple.
This data is presented as education on how the body works and increase understanding so that readers can become self-sufficient in the care of their body.
The body requires balanced nutrition so don’t take this data out of context and assume you only need to take vitamin A – or any other vitamin, for that matter – to solve problems with your body. A balanced intake of all nutrients is required.
That brings us to calcium and magnesium. These two minerals are vital to the proper workings of the body and in order to be used effectively by the body, they need to be in a body-friendly form and appropriately balanced, hence Instant CalMag-C.
Instant CalMag-C
Calcium Needs Magnesium: In order for your body to absorb calcium, it needs to be accompanied by its partner, magnesium, in a balanced ratio of two parts calcium to one part magnesium.
Calcium and Magnesium Need Vitamin C: As both calcium and magnesium are alkaline, they need some kind of acid to adjust the pH so they can be absorbed. Failing to have this combination can lead to increased deficiencies of calcium and/or magnesium or the calcium depositing in joints (arthritis) or kidneys (stones). You can use apple cider vinegar but vitamin C is usually a more practical and better-tasting solution.
Why Our Instant CalMag-C Works: Unlike tablets and capsules that sometimes don’t break down properly or are not correctly formulated, Instant CalMag-C has been formulated in a 2:1 blend of calcium gluconate and magnesium carbonate with vitamin C to adjust the pH so your body can actually absorb the calcium and magnesium. This is very important.
Order Today
Order your Instant CalMag-C today by clicking here. If you want to order Cod Liver Oil or get more information, contact Info@CalMag-C.com